We are proud to announce that HealthChain has been selected to participate in the 22nd edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek), the largest annual event dedicated to cohesion policy. This year, the event will take place from October 7 to 10, 2024, in Brussels. It aims to be an open and collaborative platform, fostering cooperation and networking between regions and cities.

The European Week of Regions and Cities is a four-day event during which cities and regions demonstrate their ability to drive growth and create jobs, implement EU cohesion policy, and highlight the importance of local and regional governance in Europe.


Our Session


Title: Interregional Investments in Innovation to Boost Citizen Health and Well-being
Date: October 9, 2024
Time: 11:30 – 12:30
Venue: Albert Borschette Congress Center, Room: AB – 4B

Short Description:
We aim to exchange best practices between stronger and less developed regions to create new interregional value chains in health – a key sector for improving regional competitiveness. HealthChain and two other I3 projects, will organize a workshop during the event. We will share insights on interregional investments in healthcare innovation, followed by three working tables focusing on:

  1. Building regional ecosystems
  2. Support for SMEs
  3. S3 platforms and their impacts on SMEs


This session is targeted towards healthcare organizations, regional authorities, clusters, and SMEs.




  • Alenka Rožaj Brvar: Director of Slovenian Innovation Hub, European Economic Interest Grouping, and Project Manager of the HealthChain project
  • Malin Larsson: Innovation Manager at Innovation Skåne AB, Project Manager of the I3-funded DIGIT PRE project
  • Marc van der Zande: Project Manager at Cluster Sports and Technology, Project Manager of the I3-InShape project



  • Myriam Martin from Ticbiomed, Project Coordinator of HealthChain



Join Us

Get ready to exchange ideas, connect with regions and cities across Europe, and expand your network and knowledge, all while keeping up with the latest developments in regional and cohesion policy.

From the beginning of July, registration is open for other interested parties. Secure your spot today!


Registration Link: Interregional Innovation Investments to Stimulate Citizens Health and Wellbeing