SRIP Health - Medicine is among the nine strategic areas in Slovenia recognized by the government to lead the way towards the social and economic transformation as one of the key strategic developmental objectives in Slovenia.
In 2017 SIH EEIG got a mandate from the multiple helix partners to manage and lead a platform for collaboration of the cutting-edge industry, advanced science, state of the art research, advanced health practitioners and empowered patient groups as well as of the progressive support organizations.
As a result of multiple helix collaboration, the partnership succeeded in June 2017 to gain support from the government to implement an ambitious roadmap to advance science, industry, health care centers, education and research institutions along with the supporting innovation systems involved in health and medicine in Slovenia.
Five areas of strategic importance for the transformation of the health and medicine were identified: translational medicine, biopharmaceutics, cancer treatment, active and healthy aging, herbal and natural cosmetics. Products, services, technology processes to be developed in the following years in the scope of the SRIP partnership will lead medicine and health in Slovenia into the next decade.
Combining state of the art science, progressive technologies, advanced materials and novel business models many new products and services are to be developed in the scope of the SRIP. For example new drug delivery systems, new uses of stem cells with muscular- skeleton and rheumatological and oncological illnesses, injuries, advanced targets and markers, medicine and cancer treatment therapies, development of specific devices and components for cancer treatment are some of the many ambitions products, services and technology process of partners to be developed beyond 2022 in order for Slovenian stakeholders to strengthen their leadership position globally but most importantly to offer better health and medical solutions for the patients at home and globally.