Obveščamo vas o naslednjih aktualnih novicah vezanih na področje grozda 1 – Zdravje OE:
- Evropska komisija organizira 19. januarja 2022 spletni informativni dan za predstavitev razpisov iz Delovnega programa za grozd 1 – Zdravje OE 2023-24.
- Mednarodni dogodek mreženja pa je organiziran 20. januarja 2022.
Več informacij: https://research-innovation community.ec.europa.eu/events/2zRJQrIdbL7rCriIJbBN4l/overview
- Evropska komisija je 1. decembra odprla javni posvet “Public consultation on the past, present and future of the EU’s Horizon research and innovation programmes 2014-2027”. Več informacij vključno z dostopom do posveta: https://www.gov.si/novice/2022-12-05-posvet-obzorje-evropa-vas-glas-je-pomemben/
Prijaviteljem na razpise OE sta na voljo 2 novi orodji, in sicer Annotated template for RIA & IA in TRL assessment tool
Annotated template for RIA & IA: This tool is an in-depth support tool for NCPs and applicants in navigating Horizon Europe RIA and IA templates. You will find recommendations from NCPs and comments from evaluators obtained from various Evaluation Summary Reports (ESRs), giving you a better understanding of how to write a successful proposal.
TRL assessment tool: Technology Readiness Level (TRL) is a method for defining the maturity of a product and its relation to the market. This type of measurement system was established by NASA, and the European Commission adopted the method for its research and innovation framework programme in H2020.This tool uses concrete project examples to analyse different TRLs and provides NCPs and applicants with a deeper understanding of how to assess TRLs in upcoming proposals.
V priponki se nahaja ponudba za iskanje partnerjev s strani italijanske poliklinike, in sicer za razpise:
1. HORIZON-HLTH-2023-STAYHLTH-01-01: The Silver Deal – Person-centred health and care in European regions;
2. HORIZON-HLTH-2023-ENVHLTH-02-01: Planetary health: understanding the links between environmental degradation and health impacts;
3. HORIZON-HLTH-2023-ENVHLTH-02-02: Evidence-based interventions for promotion of mental and physical health in changing working environments (post-pandemic workplaces);
4. HORIZON-HLTH-2023-ENVHLTH-02-03: Health impacts of endocrine-disrupting chemicals: bridging science-policy gaps by addressing persistent scientific uncertainties;
5. HORIZON-HLTH-2023-CARE-04-02: Resilience and mental wellbeing of the health and care workforce;
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